Why Is it Important for San Diego Employers to Have a Written Social Media Policy?

written social media policy

Why is it important for San Diego employers to have a written social media policy?  Your employees are a direct extension of your business brand, and every action they take reflects on your San Diego business and its reputation.  In this day and age it is important for San Diego employers to have a written social media policy for their employees.  The old adage that “a picture says 1000 words” definitely applies here.  Imagine, your employees form a softball team, and head to a tavern after the game.  Soon pictures of celebratory (and in some cases inebriated) employees wearing your company’s name and logo are plastered across several social media platforms.  How will that affect your brand?  What if an employee takes a beef with their boss to social media and starts to “publicly” complain about the working environment in your company?

An effective written social media policy protects the hard work you, and your entire team are putting into your company and its reputation.  All corporate communications, imagery, intellectual property, messaging and other online interactions should be carefully considered and implemented.  Messaging should be consistent, and reflect positively upon the company and its “brand.”  An effective social media policy should be equally applied across all positions within your organization, and should specifically provide guidance on what is and isn’t appropriate for employees to share or post on social media platforms.

It is important for San Diego employers to have a written social media policy.  Protect your company and implement a social media policy which is effective and enforceable.  The Watkins firm has decades of experience serving San Diego employers and business owners as their general counsel and business coach.  We invite you to review the strong recommendations of former clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call us today for a free and comprehensive consultation at 858-535-1511.