Resolve an LLC Member Dispute in San Diego

Resolve an LLC Member Dispute in San Diego - Cost-Effective

When disagreements lead to serious issues between co-owners in a small business, the company itself can be at risk.  It is important to resolve an LLC member dispute quickly and cost-effectively without litigation to protect the company and preserve important relationships within the ownership / management team.

40+ Years Experience to Help Resolve an LLC Member Dispute

The Watkins Firm has worked to support small business owners in San Diego for more than four decades.  We have helped to resolve many serious partnership disputes and disputes between members of an LLC over the years.  We understand the inter-related relationships and monetary interests at stake.  We work to re-establish common ground, establish options and negotiate a resolution that builds a new foundation while moving the company forward.

The path to resolve an LLC member dispute in San Diego often come down to clarification of roles and responsibilities, an update of the LLC operating agreement, as well as rebuilding trust and confidence in the company and each other.  Our experienced lawyers quickly get to the core of the associated issue(s), and contribute a breadth of experience while creating a positive and constructive working atmosphere.

In some cases, the business may have grown past the skill set of one or more of the co-owners.  It may be necessary to redefine roles, or to obtain additional education or skill development for a member of the management team to support them in their mission within the business.

When suspicions of commingling of assets, theft or a series of poor decisions has come between the parties, our first goal is to get the issues into the light and attempt to clarify appropriate management behaviors and “clear the air.”  It may be necessary to bring in another professional as a member of the management team or to add needed investment to the company.

If one of the original members elects to move on to another project, it will be necessary to establish a fair valuation for their business interest (unless this process has been clearly established within the corporate documents or operating agreement of the LLC.

Our Approach to Quickly and Efficiently Resolve a Business Dispute

The Watkins Firm takes a unique approach to quickly and efficiently resolve a business dispute.  We work quickly and efficiently to develop a strong, well-documented chronology of events and a mastery of any associated damages. This is the foundation for establishing leveraged, effective negotiations to resolve the matter at hand and move the company forward.

It may surprise you to learn the Watkins Firm is able to resolve the vast majority of LLC member disputes through negotiation alone.  This is the fastest and least expensive path to resolution.

Our experienced business dispute attorneys have helped to resolve many issues that the parties felt were “unresolvable.”  There is always hope, and our work is not to expand the conflict but to help to positively resolve it.  We work with our clients through business mediation and arbitration when required in order to protect their goals and accomplish their objectives in the dispute.

It is important to resolve an LLC member dispute quickly and cost-effectively while protecting our client’s interests.  Are you looking for an experienced, proven LLC dispute resolution attorney in San Diego and Southern California? We invite you to review our podcast Episode 11 – Resolving Business Disputes as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.