Case Conclusion


Unlike some firms, we do not approach any case, particularly complex litigation, as “retirement income” or a “cash cow” to be “milked.” Clients are more likely to continue using firms which equitably and expeditiously dispose of litigation. In furtherance of this approach, at the outset of any case, we:

  • Work to get an immediate handle on a new case assignment
  • Do not “draft” behind co-counsel
  • Are proactive, not reactive
  • Schedule an expert-only meeting, if possible
  • Engage in earnest settlement discourse
  • Steer the case toward an appropriate alternative dispute resolution forum
  • Work to obtain an immediate case management order
  • Assess indemnity issues
  • Where appropriate, tender the defense to other carriers/parties
  • Establish the overall “insurance picture”
  • Obtain plaintiff’s preliminary defect list in Construction Defect cases.

We fully understand that, aside from diligently protecting the rights of our clients, we owe a responsibility to assist the handling insurance adjuster on any particular claim to understand and be able to evaluate the full ramifications and consequences of the lawsuit pending against the insured. The foregoing philosophy and case management techniques allow us to achieve this goal.